Whoz Meech – The Break Up (video) | @WhozMEECH

Whoz Meech – The Break Up (official music video)


Whoz Meech is a part of the rap group E.D.I. Music and a founding member of Rebel Against the World (R.A.W.). E.D.I. Music, stands for Edifying Divinely Inspired Music, is a music group from Buffalo N.Y. The members are Whoz Meech, Hav Mercy and New Lyfe. They only seek to edify you with scriptural Holy Spirit led content through preaching engagements, rap, videos etc. They do not care to entertain you. They love you therefore they preach the truth of Christ and His word.



Whoz Meech releases new single entitled “The Break Up”. Listen to song on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, iTunes, Tidal and all other available media outlets.

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Follow on Instagram: @Whozmeech

Follow Hav Mercy on Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/HavMERCY7

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